Talking Plants with Michael Pollan & Tom Pinkson

In this mid-pandemic throwback, Dr. Tom Pinkson and his daughter, Kimberly Pinkson, welcome special guest Michael Pollan, who gathered via Zoom in January of 2021 for Tom's YouTube channel.

For more than thirty years, Michael Pollan has been writing books and articles about the places where the human and natural worlds intersect: on our plates, in our farms and gardens, and in our minds. He is the author of eight books, six of which have been The New York Times bestsellers. Michael first approached Tom when he was researching some early books and beginning to learn about sacred plant medicine and the power of plants and psychedelics journeys as a path to healing and health. The two bonded immediately.

In this mid-pandemic moment, Michael, Tom, and Kimberly meet up for a chat on the power of plants, plant medicine ceremonies, Indigenous wisdom, tradition, the movement toward psychedelics and microdosing, and gratitude for plants and the web of life.




Michael Pollan



™ Kimberly Pinkson, 2023